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20. Thankful words replace coarse talk – 30 days of thankful Scriptures

Can true thanksgiving blend with profane expressions? Today, even in what some might call “polite company,” we hear cuss words often. People routinely use expletives to pepper daily conversation.

Such words, once regarded as vile vocabulary and mostly reserved for major mishaps, now crop up frequently and somewhat nonsensically.

NOTE: I’m fading and shrinking these examples, which include symbols, rather than words. Scroll down, if you feel you’ll be offended by the inferred phrasings.


“Thanks for inviting me to this #@$%-ing delicious dinner,” one might say.

“Well, @#$%. The sun is shining beautifully today,” another might utter.

“No *+%#,” a third might declare.

This is not a biblical practice, and these phrasings do not graciously adorn people who love and belong to God. Sure, believers slip up. 

But have we stopped cringing over it?

“Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar. Rather you should give thanks to God.” (Ephesians 5:4, GNT)

Other Bible translations call it coarse talk.

What is coarse talk?

The word “coarse” may be defined as base, bawdy, blue, brutish, crass, dirty, filthy, foul-mouthed, nasty, off-color, raffish, ribald, smutty, or vulgar. Essentially, coarse talk takes what God has created to be a prize of His creation (mankind / the human form) and turns it into something obscene and shameful.

The word “cuss” pertains to coarse words, although the term itself is more likely derived from the word “curse.” In 18th century Colonial America, a “cuss” was also a troublesome beast or person.

Is it any wonder the Apostle Paul contrasts coarse talk against thanksgiving to God?

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