Kindle Countdown Deals


July 3rd - Tyranny Toppled

Tyranny Toppled

(Isaiah 13:1-22; 14:1-23; 28-32; 21:1-10)

The Fall of Lucifer

By Gustav Dore


From Paradise Lost

By John Milton

Describing the coming collapse of the tyrannical Babylonian kingdom, the Old Testament prophet Isaiah spoke of a previous fall as well. In Isaiah 14, we read of the fall of Lucifer, the morning star, whom we commonly refer to as the devil.

“How you have fallen from heaven,
O morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.

I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High."

But you are brought down to the grave,
to the depths of the pit.’”

(Isaiah 14:12-15, NIV)

Clearly, God will share His glory and honor with no one else. None other is worthy.

This statement ought to bring us both hope and comfort, as we know that one day the Lord will set all injustices to justice. He will transform all pain to promise. He will turn our temporary sorrows into forever joys.

Although we live now in a sin-torn world, we may eagerly await the coming kingdom of light, in which the Lord’s own Presence will shine away all ills. May this ever-present expectation guide us into wholehearted devotion and commitment to the now and coming King of Kings.

“To just read the Bible,
attend church,
and avoid “big” sins -

is this passionate,
wholehearted love for God? ”

Francois Fenelon
The Seeking Heart

Here's a poem the Lord gave me today. I hope this will encourage you as well.

Falling into Place

A tyrant terrorist cries loud.

He beckons to the angry crowd.

The sound seems musical, and yet

It bears a tune we’d best forget.

We safest are where we belong.

The little man may look a lush,

Yet, with his angled cheeks a-blush,

He circles still unwitting prey.

One lingered line he may convey –

He aims to angle for love’s song.

A fickle sparkle does he wear

To catch our glances, breed despair.

The added wrinkle in the mix

Reveals his underlying tricks.

He beckons us to join his throng.

Hell’s fireworks, they sting us not.

For we have weapons, costly bought.

And mountain moving, tallest task,

May yet be seen, if we but ask.

For our Deliverer is strong.

A warning sign may point ahead –

Immoderate, our doubts have fled.

Though smuggest sorcerer may try

Astrology to mollify,

He cannot spin his lies for long.

We bend our knees and upward look

To see the downward swooping crook.

His fate is finished, even now,

Because he has refused to bow.

The truth has held us all along.

c2009 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Will you pray with me?

Mighty Warrior

And Captain of our souls,

Thank You for holding us

In Your hands

Of truth.

Guide us,

And keep us humble,

So that we may glorify You.

We praise You,

For You have already overcome

The enemy,

And none can stand against You.

You are the Victor,

Now and forever.


Posted for a variety of prompts:

Catchwords/Word Beads (“immoderate,” “doubt,” “snug,” “astrology,” “mollify”)

Easy Street Prompts (“warning signs)

Heads or Tails (“spin”)

In Other Words” (Francois Fenelon quote)

Inspire Me Thursday (“cheeks”)

Meme Express (“circles”)

Monday Poetry Train (poetry)

Read Write Poem (“little man”)

Simply Snickers (“line,” “look” and “lush”)

Three Word Wednesday (“fickle,” “sparkle” and “wrinkle”)

Totally Optional Prompts (“fireworks”)

Weekend Wordsmith (“sting”)

Word-Filled Wednesday (“moving mountains”)

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  1. I like your rhyme scheme and the inter-stanza rhyme here. Also find interesting your interpretation of Lucifer as the little man. Good job.


    Mutiny in Six Parts
