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A to Z Answers: Yes, Lord!

Have you ever heard God calling?

Some have said they have perceived the voice of God audibly, while others may claim they have experienced a tug in their spirits. Others may have been drawn divinely through varied means.

God certainly speaks through His Word, open-hearted believers, His own creation and other avenues of communication.

However He calls, how will we respond?

God willing and by His strength, I hope to answer “Yes, Lord,” when He beckons me. Belonging to God is a divine privilege, and I pray for the presence of mind to hear His summons, as I have heard many times.

I only wonder how many times I may have missed His voice as well.

I want to be like young Samuel, who answered positively, once he realized he heard the voice of the Lord.

Then God came and stood before him exactly as before, calling out, "Samuel! Samuel!"
    Samuel answered, "Speak. I'm your servant, ready to listen."
(1 Samuel 3:10, The Message)

It only took Samuel a few times (and some wise counsel) to discern God’s voice. Surely the Almighty One will be both patient and persistent with the rest of us as well. May we not miss His message.

(Raise your hand, if you thought I was gonna embed “Yes, Yes, Lord,” rather than the Rich Mullens classic.)
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