Kindle Countdown Deals


August 16th - The Pen Prepared

The Pen Prepared

(Ezekiel 8:1-18; 9:1-11; 10:1-22; 11:1-25)

Pen in Hand

Artist Unknown

The Old Testament prophet Ezekiel received a vision from God, nearly 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. The Lord’s Spirit carried Ezekiel, in a vision, between earth and heaven (see Ezekiel 8:1-4). There the prophet saw the idolatry in the Temple of God, including the “idol of jealousy” (see Ezekiel 8:5).

What is the idol of jealousy?

Although the Scriptures are not specific in describing the idol of jealousy, we may infer that this pertains to idolatry and distraction from devotion to the one true God. Jehovah is a jealous God, and rightly so. Only the one God Almighty, Lord of Heaven and earth and Master of the universe merits our worship.

Anything that lures our devotion away from the one Lord may be regarded as an idol of jealousy, may it not?

A look at the writer in linen

In the middle of Ezekiel’s vision, God showed him a man, clad in linen, who held a writing kit. All around him were men guards equipped with swords and weapons of war. But the writer held his tools with honor.

We are not told the identity of this ready writer. But we do know that God instructed the writer to pen His words of truth.

What a purpose!

As a writer, I find this passage of Scripture intriguing. What power might the Lord portray through the written word? What world change might be wrought through faithful penning of God’s own truth?

May the Lord be glorified in the words we share, even as we submit to His guidance.

Will you pray with me?

Lord of lords,

We long to serve You.

Make us willing.

Make us worthy.

Guide our tongues

And our pens.

Even more,

Guard our hearts

And our ears,

That we may hear You

Above the noise

Of idols of jealousy

All around us.

We live to honor You.


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