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Potent Parent Prayers: Enduring for eternal ends

Sometimes a message just reaches out and grabs me from the most surprising of places. Take this bumper sticker, for example:

“My son serves to protect your honor student.”

Waiting at a traffic light, I spotted that statement on the vehicle in front of me. Next to the wording was the United States Marine Corps emblem. Gotta love that. Honestly, I do. I wanted to wave to the driver and roll down my window and thank him for his son’s service.

How many sons and daughters endure danger and hardship and injury and even death, so that the rest of us may live in freedom?

We love to boast about our kids and what they have accomplished. Not to negate the merits of achieving academic successes, but we can surely understand what a high honor it is to sacrifice valiantly on other’s behalf.

The spiritual parallel merits mention.

God’s Son served to protect all of us for God’s own honor. He endured the agony and shame of the cross and separation from the Father to buy us back from ourselves and welcome us into relationship with Himself. And He invites us to participate in the process of leading others to Him. Even our kids.

Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. (2 Timothy 2:10, NIV)

Certainly, this Scripture contains a hearty measure of doctrinal complexity. An examination of the question of how election and salvation may fit together would take a lot more space and require weightier theological discussion than this site offers. For the sake of parental prayer, let’s just focus on the need for enduring in faith.

Lord of honor and grace, keep us faithful. Strengthen our hearts and remind us to pray often and earnestly for those we love -- that they will come to know You and trust You for now and forever. Help us to endure the journey to answered prayer, even when it takes longer than we’d like and when things seem to get a little messy along the way. Give us a glimpse of your power at work in the lives of these dear ones, so we do not lose heart along the way.

We ask in faith and in the name of our wonderful Lord, Your Son Jesus Christ.

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