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Potent Parent Prayers: Confessing brings a clean start

Who needs a new beginning? Doesn’t everybody?

Gathering with a special circle of friends a few days ago, I was intrigued by a discussion of this very issue. One asked how many times a believer needs to repent of a sin. The question opened a pathway to freedom. Once we repent, God tosses that sin away. It’s gone. His pardon and peace carry us forward, never back to already forgiven sin.

This promise is true for parents and kids alike. God offers fresh starts to all who ask.

We go from gory to glory by His grace. 

What a promise.

Parenting is tough. I’ve heard it called “the hardest job you’ll ever love.” I’m not sure who said that first, but it’s often true. As our kids get older, I wonder if the hardest part of all is watching them make choices that we are pretty certain will lead to heartbreak. We’d love to short-circuit the railway to disaster, but we can’t.

Maybe that’s a little taste of how our Father God feels, when He sees us step out of His good will for our lives. I wonder sometimes if He even winces a bit when we make bad choices, ignoring His instructions in what may be tagged as willful sin.

Thank God, He offers each of us a way back.

1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9, NIV)

Dear Father of Heaven, please continue stir up a desire in our kids (and in ourselves) for confessing sin and receiving Your grace and purity and a new beginning. 

Open their hearts and ours to a deeper yearning for You.

We ask in faith and in the name of our wonderful Lord, Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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