Kindle Countdown Deals


August 23rd - Sin’s Sores and a Savior

Sin’s Sores and a Savior

(Jeremiah 30:1-34; 31:1-26; 33:10-13)

The Healer

Artist Unknown

In a dream, the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, His Old Testament prophet. God described the dire straits of His people and humankind in general.

“This is what the Lord says:

‘Your wound is incurable,

your injury beyond healing.

There is no one to plead your cause,

no remedy for your sore,

no healing for you.’”

(Jeremiah 30:12-13, NIV)

What is this fatal wound the Lord outlined? Could this be sin, the plague of humanity throughout history? Who has not tried to assuage his or her own guilt and shame through all sorts of deeds and means, which all proved to be fruitless?

Is there nothing that can be done to remove the gangrenous and gaping gash of our own guilt, so we may be healed and holy before the only true God?

Of course, the Lord Himself provided the answer, in His own Person. For He is our Healer, Deliverer, Redeemer, Restorer, Savior and King.

“’But I will restore you to health

and heal your wounds,'

declares the Lord.”

(Jeremiah 30:17a, NIV)

May His name be ever praised! And may the Lord of love write His own name upon our hearts, as He draws us ever closer to His own.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love;

I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”

(Jeremiah 31:3b, NIV)

Will you pray with me?

Holy Helper,

Redeemer and Restorer

Of our hearts,

Only You can make us whole.

Let us look to You

For healing,

Within and without,

For we can do nothing

Apart from Your grace

And power.


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