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The Bible is the Best - 30 Days of Thankfulness

Treasure hunts are intriguing, challenging, and fun.

As a child, I loved finding and following clues on treasure hunts. Occasionally, folks would create such searches for birthdays parties and special gatherings. What fun it is to traipse around, looking high and low for a secret prize.

Forget Pin-the-Tail-on-the-Donkey and Musical Chairs.

Take me to a treasure hunt, and the kid in me comes right back.

I’ve even created treasure hunts. Ask my kids. Because I love to write (particularly poetry), I’ve had a blast devising rhymed hints and hiding them all over the house and yard. My children have deciphered these little ditties to find Christmas stockings, Easter baskets, and other goodies.

God has given us a treasure hunt as well.

The Bible gives us many clues about God’s character, His ways, and how we can find Him.

I am thankful for the Bible, God’s holy Word.

Without it, I’d surely be lost.

I have tried hard to find You –
Don’t let me wander from Your commands.
I have hidden Your word in my heart,
That I might not sin against You.
I praise You, O LORD;
Teach me Your decrees.
Psalm 119:10-12, NLT

The Bible is a beautiful blessing, especially when I open the Book and dig into its bounty.

For what are you thankful?
Reading the Bible
by Rushay Booysen
Creative Commons Licensing
Wikipedia Commons Photos
Thankful at Thanksgiving
Adapted from public domain artwork
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