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God Is Bigger = #16 of 30 Days of God's Promises

I just watched a scary movie with my teen daughter. No, I don’t usually watch horror shows. They’re just not my thing. But it’s a dark and dreary-looking autumn Saturday, and I relished the idea of spending one-on-one special time with my kid.

So we curled up on the couch with steaming mugs of soup and watched the film. (She even made the soup.)

Frankly, I hated the movie. But I loved being with this dear one.

People shriek and holler over horror movies. They complain of nightmares and may even be terrified of being alone in the dark for a while afterwards.

This show wasn’t all that terrifying. But it could have been.

Guess what. I’m not scared.

Whatever Hollywood can throw at us, I know God is bigger still.

Now, if I can just live that truth out in reality. I know my God is bigger than anything that might scare me. I do know it. But I want to grab that truth and hang onto it in the most startling and fear-inducing moments of life.

God is bigger. And He is with us. He never left.

And anywhere He asks us to go … He has already been there and back.

Here’s today’s Bible promise.

Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or tremble at them,
for the Lord your God
is the One
who goes with you.
He will not fail you or forsake you.
(Deuteronomy 31:6, NASB)

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