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15 Scripture memory tips: 1) Write ‘em out.

Wanna commit a key Bible verse (or even a longer passage to memory? Write down the words!

Seriously? Yep, you got it. Put pen to paper. Hand-write every word. Do it a few times, if that’s what it takes.

Maybe this undertaking merges visual and kinetic learning styles. The two-pronged approach really does help to imprint the words into the human brain.

In Bible times, scribes were well-versed in the Scriptures. (Yes, I went there.) These artisan-scholar professionals spent their days hand-writing copies of the sacred texts. And you can bet they could quote plenty of passages – chapter and verse.

Don’t you just wonder how out lives might be enriched from practicing this technique with our own Bible study?

Right now, I am blessed to belong to a wonderful small-group Bible study. We are diving into Beth Moore’s Children of the Day: 1 and 2 Thessalonians. And one of the homework assignments is to write out both books in longhand in the back of the book.

Maybe that sounds like a tedious task. But I am already amazed at how this process makes me stop and ponder the words, instead of speed-reading them.

I had the same assignment last summer (in a different group), while completing the homework in Beth Moore’s James: Mercy Triumphs workbook. I came to enjoy writing out the verses each day.

Keep my commands and you will live;
    guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
    write them on the tablet of your heart.

(Proverbs 7:2-3, NIV)

Why not pick up a pen, and write down the Bible verses you want to memorize? Your brain just might pick those Scriptures up faster than you ever realized it could. And your heart may carry those truths in a deeper way as well.

* All verses taken from NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.

Scripture graphic
 – Created by this user, including public domain artwork
15 Handy Ways to
Memorize Scriptures
and Important Quotes
– Created by this user
on CoolText
Adapted from public domain artwork
15 Scripture Memory Tips graphic
– Created by this user
with public domain artwork

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