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May 15th - A Queen's Questions

A Queen’s Questions

(1 Kings 4:1-34; 7:1-12; 9:1-15, 17-24, 26-28; 10:1-25, 27)

(2 Chronicles 1:14-17; 7:11-22; 8:1-11, 17-18; 9:1-28)

(Psalm 72:1-19)

Solomon and the Queen of Sheba

By Giovanni Demin

19th Century

A Palace and Provisions

King Solomon of Israel spent thirteen years constructing his elegant royal palace. In fact, Solomon spent nearly twice as long building his own dwelling as he did constructing the Temple of the Lord.

Once Solomon’s palace was completed, he made a covenant with the Lord. God offered a solemn promise for His people. This Scripture has often been quoted as a national call to faithfulness:

“If My people, who are called by My Name,

will humble themselves

and pray

and seek My face

and turn from their wicked ways,

then will I hear from heaven

and will forgive their sin

and will heal their land.”
(2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV)

Following this promise of divine providence, the Lord explains how the converse may also be true. Under the Old Testament covenant, even as the people’s obedience might invite God’s favor, so disobedience might lead to disfavor.

A Period of Peace and Prosperity

The Lord blessed Solomon with wisdom and wealth, and He covered the nation of Israel with protection, peace and prosperity. King Solomon forged strategic alliances with neighboring nations, as God granted him favor.

The wealth of Solomon was unequalled, and the world’s leaders sought audiences with him for his wondrous wisdom.

Counting his many blessings, King Solomon continually offered praise to God, giving the Lord the glory for His bounty.

A Royal Visitor

The famous Queen of Sheba traveled more than 1,200 miles in a camel caravan to meet with King Solomon and enjoy the benefit of his discernment and understanding. Arriving at King Solomon’s palace, the Queen instructed her servants to unload many elegant gifts, as she unloaded the mysteries of her own heart. She marveled at Solomon’s wise answers.

“She said to the king,

‘The report I heard in my own country

about your achievements and your wisdom is true.

But I did not believe what they said

until I came and saw with my own eyes.

Indeed, not even half the greatness

of your wisdom was told me;

you have far exceeded the report I heard.

How happy your men must be!

How happy your officials,

who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom!

Praise be to the Lord your God,

who has delighted in you

and placed you on His throne as king

to rule for the Lord your God.

Because of the love of your God for Israel

and His desire to uphold them forever,

He has made you king over them,

to maintain justice and righteousness.’"

(2 Chronicles 9:5-8, NIV, emphasis added)

King Solomon of Israel, with his God-given wisdom, penned more than 3,000 proverbs and wrote more than a thousand songs, proclaiming the truth of the Lord (see 1 Kings 4:32). What a wonder!

Who is the smartest, most well-read and highly educated person you have ever known? Apparently, Solomon’s smarts exceeded even that. What would it have been like to spend a few moments with such a mind?

If you were granted an audience with a sage such as Solomon, what would you ask?

What sorts of questions would you like to explore? Would you ask about justice and mercy? Would you wonder why good people suffer, while evildoers may seem to prosper? Would you like to know the plans of the Lord?

The Queen of Sheba traveled far, undoubtedly at great expense, to meet with the wise King Solomon. But we can meet with the God of all wisdom wherever we are.

What questions would you like to ask, if you had a personal appointment with the omniscient One, the Lord of all? You have only to ask.

Will you pray with me?

Almighty One,

Creator of all wisdom

And knowledge

And understanding,

How humbled we are

To consider

Who You are.

We understand so little,

And yet we trust You,

For You understand all things.

Tell us the secrets

Of Your great love.

Give us understanding,

That we might choose wisely

Each day,

As we seek the truth.

Draw us closer to Yourself,

That we might be filled

With a greater desire

For only You.

Nothing else satisfies

But You,

The source of all wisdom

And truth.


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