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May 10th - A Ready Writer

A Ready Writer

(Psalm 45; 47; 48; 87; 110)

A Ready Writer

Artist Unknown

Today’s readings from the Psalms begin with the banner verse for this daily devotional blog. The Lord has laid this Scripture passage upon my heart as a life mission. Perhaps the same section speaks specifically to you as well.

“My heart is stirred by a noble theme

as I recite my verses for the King;

my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.”

(Psalm 45:1, NIV)

Does not all true creativity begin with the ultimate Creator of all?

What creative forms of expression has the Lord given to you, so that you might praise Him? Do you have a passion for writing words, composing music, painting pictures or pursuing another creative outlet? How do you worship the Lord most fully and freely?

Each of us is different, of course. Let’s consider today how we might glorify God in our own individuality.

Will you pick up a pen, grab some garden tools, claim your camera or find another means of lifting up the name of the Lord?

Be sure to leave a comment, as your ideas may encourage others to rejoice in our great God.

“Come, everyone! Clap your hands!

Shout to God with joyful praise!

For the Lord Most High is awesome.

He is the great King of all the earth.

He subdues the nations before us,

putting our enemies beneath our feet.

He chose the Promised Land as our inheritance,

the proud possession of Jacob’s descendants,

whom He loves.

God has ascended with a mighty shout.

The Lord has ascended with trumpets blaring.

Sing praises to God, sing praises;

sing praises to our King, sing praises!

For God is the King over all the earth.

Praise Him with a psalm!

God reigns above the nations,

sitting on His holy throne.

The rulers of the world have gathered together

with the people of the God of Abraham.

For all the kings of the earth belong to God.

He is highly honored everywhere.”

(Psalm 47, NLT)

Will you pray with me?

Marvelous Creator,

How we praise you

With song

And poetry

And art

And the works of our hands.

All we have

And who we are –

It all begins

And ends

With You.

May You be glorified

In us.


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