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Trustworthy – God's character from A to Z

It’s hard to find people we can trust. Sure, we may have family members and friends who are faithful. But sometimes secrets slip through the cracks. Misunderstandings happen. Feathers get ruffled. Noses are pushed out of joint. Hairs stand up on the backs of necks. People hurt our hearts, even when they may not mean to do so.

Not God. We may be unfaithful to Him, but He will never be unfaithful to us. He simply cannot. Falsehood is not in His nature. God is trustworthy.

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27a, NIV)

What is a refuge?

Often we think of a refuge as a wilderness-like area that has been set aside for protecting certain types of wildlife. Maybe that isn’t so far from the way God protects us too. He is our haven, our hermitage, our safe harbor, sanctuary, our set-apart space, and our shelter. When the battle wears us out, He is our retreat.

Not far from my home, there is a retreat center. It’s owned and operated by a popular Christian denomination, although they welcome guests from any sort of background. This place, which looks sort of like a castle in the woods, is filled with cozy little rooms in which guests may stay. It also has many scenic outdoor pathways with secluded benches, where folks can sit and simply reflect in quiet. It’s a place of peace and refreshment for the soul, and it feels far removed from the stresses of city life, even though it’s barely a mile from the intersection of two major highways.

No matter what sorts of confusion and chaos may be happening just outside, the retreat center is calm. Days slip by without mayhem for those who are stopping over there.

God is like that – only infinitely more so.

He is our place of protection. And, in His presence, we are shielded by His mighty arms, even as He holds us in His gentle hands. We can trust Him, for He promises to be true and faithful and ever-present. He will not let go.

Adapted from public domain art
Bible verse graphic – created on quote generator

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  1. MORE good news!
    It seems from this blog that every single characteristic of God is...GOOD!

  2. MORE good news!
    It seems from this blog that every single characteristic of God is...GOOD!

  3. Beautiful, positive post. Thank you!
    ~McGuffy's Reader~

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