God is zillions of greats. From A to Z, God is artistic,
brilliant, confident, dignified, efficient, fair, gracious, helpful,
imaginative, jealous, kind, loving, mysterious, noble, observant, persistent,
qualified, relational, serious, trustworthy, unique, virtuous, welcoming,
extraordinary, yearning, and zillions of greats.
“Great is the Lord and most worthy of
praise; His greatness no one can fathom.” (Psalm 145:3, NIV)
Hold onto your hat. We’re just getting started here.
He is also all-wise, blessed, creative, divine, eternal, faithful,
good, holy, honorable, incomparable, infinite, just, kingly, loving, merciful, mighty,
miraculous, perfect, righteous, timeless, true, and so much more. No series of
descriptions can do God’s greatness justice. No wonder it’ll take us all of
eternity to praise Him with the worship and honor of which He is worthy.
Adapted from public domain art
Bible verse graphic – created on quote
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