Kindle Countdown Deals


June 8th - Little Feat

Little Feat

(2 Kings 3:6-27; 8:16-22; 22:45, 50)

(2 Chronicles 20:34; 21:1, 5-17, 20)

Jehoshaphat Trusts God's Word

Artist Unknown

With Jehoshaphat on the throne of Judah, the Moabites assembled their forces to attack Israel.

Jockeying for power in the kingdom of Judah, Jehoshaphat’s oldest son Jehoram killed his own brothers. At the time, Jehoram was serving as co-regent of Judah with his father. Facing the Moabite threat, Israel’s King Joram pleaded with Judah to help. Jehoshaphat agreed.

Judah’s and Israel’s armies banded together with the army of Edom and set out through the Desert of Edom to meet the Moabites. Along the way, they faced dehydration, finding no water in the desert. Jehoshaphat called for a godly prophet.

Elisha answered the call and prophesied that God would provide for their needs. If the armies would dig ditches in the desert, the Lord would fill them with fresh water. Overnight, Jehovah answered.

This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord,” said the prophet Elisha (see 2 Kings 3:18a).

By the Lord’s power and His direct intervention, the united armies routed the Moabites, sending them fleeing.

Big Fears and Little Feats

What fears do we carry today? What sorts of foes do we face? Is there any danger we might encounter than daunts the mighty Maker of the universe? Could we possibly come up with any problem too great for God?

Conquering our biggest fears is but a small feat for our great God. The Living Lord of all can do anything, can’t He? When we take our little feet into His holy Presence, bowing the knee and heart before Him, can He not accomplish more than we might even imagine?

Think of the biggest, most difficult prayer burden you might be carrying right now. Wouldn’t you rather give this load away to the One who can actually carry it? He has the answer, for He is the Answer to our every need. God is more than big enough, and He is more than able.

Will you pray with me?

High and holy,

Exalted and excellent,

You alone are God.

Teach us to trust You,

For nothing is impossible

For You, Lord.

The most miraculous answer to prayer

Is but a little feat for You,

For You are God.

We place our lives in Your hands,

For that is the safest spot of all.

Thank You for holding us,

Now and forever.


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1 comment:

  1. May I read this to others? I'm not a perfect Christian. Sometimes, I'm not even a very good Christian. But God loves me enough to hold onto me, even in those times. All I know is that I have been blind, and now I see. I have been weak, and He has made me strong. I have been crushed, and He has cherished me. I have been broken, and He has made me joyful. I have been rejected, and He has restored me. I have been lost, and He has found me. And He is not finished with me yet. Will you join me in the journey, learning to love Him back?
