Kindle Countdown Deals


June 14th - On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job Training

(2 Kings 10:32-36; 12:4-21; 13:1-4, 7-11, 14-20)

(2 Chronicles 24:3-27)

Joash Crowned King of Judah

Artist Unknown

Is anyone too young to serve the Lord?

Ask any employer. Education, training and experience are paramount criteria for hiring or appointment to any position of influence in the workplace. A worthy resume is essential for employment. A handful of professional references doesn’t hurt, either.

Does God feel the same way?

Honestly, if the Lord required His children to be fully educated, seasoned, trained and prepared before He was willing to use us, perhaps none of us would ever have the opportunity to be of service to God.

How grateful we are that our Lord is willing to train, equip and empower us on the job. What blessings may be in store for those who accept His call.

Joash, The Boy King of Judah

In ancient Judah (around 800 B.C.), wicked Queen Athaliah (widow of King Jehoram) tried to kill all of the royal heirs. Only young Joash escaped the massacre, hidden by his aunt Jehosheba. Grandson of Jehoram, Joash was the only true heir to Judah’s throne.

When Joash was about seven years old, the high priest Jehoida (Joash’s great-uncle), arranged his coronation and anointed him King of Judah. Jehoida assembled the priests, assigning them into three groups to guard the palace, the temple and the new boy-king (see 2 Kings 11).

When Queen Athaliah learned of the boy’s crowning, she appeared in defiance, but she was slain.

How important are prudent counselors?

Recognizing his own youth and inexperience, the boy-king Joash leaned heavily on Jehoida for advise and leadership insights. As he matured, Joash assumed increasing responsibility and authority.

Eventually, King Joash of Judah ordered the rebuilding of the Lord’s temple, collecting a special offering for the project (see 2 Kings 12).

The presence of the chief priest Jehoida in Joash’s life highlights the importance of wise advisors for the young king. Once Jehoida was gone, Joash was easily led into an acceptance of pagan practices.

Are we not just as vulnerable as Joash?

Who are the key people in our own lives? To whom do we go for guidance and wise counsel? At what peril do we attempt to fly solo?

How might we be called to lead others as well?

As followers of the most high God, are we not called to train additional individuals to know Him as well?

Perhaps we might all pray that the Lord would give us mature believers from whom to learn, as well as younger ones that we may guide. Are we not all instructed both to grow and to grow others?

May God surround us with faithful leaders, wise advisors and diligent disciplers, even as He guides us to shepherd those who may come after us.

Will you pray with me?

Great God,

You have called us Your children.

Whatever our ages

In mortal years,

We are all children in Your eyes.

Guide us,

And teach us

In Your ways.

Equip us for the tasks

To which You have called each of us.

Give us wise advisors,

And make us trainers in truth

For others as well.

Grow us up

In the knowledge of You

And the fellowship of Your Spirit.


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