Ridicule can leave us raw. Scorn makes the spirit sore. Derision is distressing.
Jesus knows. He has been there.
Italian Baroque artist Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) painted
the Messiah at such a moment. (The biblical accounts can be
found in Matthew 27, Mark 15, and John 19.)
The soldiers stripped
Jesus of His own garments and placed a robe and a crown of thorns upon Him.
They beat Him with a staff and mocked Him. Then they took Him to be crucified.

The One who is worthy of all glory and honor and praise quietly endured such mistreatment. And He knew the truth. He knew who He was. He knew His purpose. He knew the Father esteemed Him highly.
And He knew God would
ultimately set things right.
Working through a sermon
series on the Book of Revelation, our pastor recently asked two pointed
1) “Why do we, as American Christians,
think we are immune to suffering for our faith?”
For generations, we have
lived pretty peaceably, particularly as compared to our fellow believers in
other parts of the world. Sure, we may be criticized or jeered for our faith.
But our very safety has not been jeopardized much for it.
Times are changing. This
sense of nationwide shelter to which we have long grown accustomed may not always
Is our faith strong
enough to stand, if ridicule turns into real persecution? Can our souls stand a
sifting, if God should allow it?
2) “If we are not facing opposition for
our faith, what compromises might we be making to avoid it?”
Jesus Himself said:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you
may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV)
I have never heard a
pastor or Bible teacher talk about the trouble Jesus mentioned here as being
everyday inconveniences or basic hardships of life. Instead, they point to
persecution, as if it is a given for those who stand up for Christ.
Again and again, the
Scriptures recognize encountering opposition as a mark of faith. Whether that
takes the form of simple slander and sarcastic jabs or outright attack, it
tests the mettle of one’s commitment to God.
I’m not seeking
mistreatment or martyrdom. I’m not daring the enemy to bring on the battle. But
it surely looks like things are heating up around here. And I pray to be ready,
if such a day comes.
God, help me to carry
Your banner boldly, even in the face of opposition or oppression.
you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit
of glory and of God rests on you. (1 Peter 4:14, NIV)
Christ Mocked
by Gianlorenzo Bernini
17th Century
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The Scripture memory tips series is ongoing, but the April A to Z Blogging Challenge has started, and Heart of a Ready Writer is participating again this year. Watch for the Bible memory series posts, which may be interspersed with the Pictures of Jesus series during the month of April.
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