God takes joy in serving
up grace without measure. He blesses us in ways we may not even notice, unless
we stop to look and listen.
I just enjoyed
a moment of grace … and divine protection.
In an instant of
distraction, I may have run a red light at a busy intersection. OK, I more than

But midway through the crossroads, I realized my light had not changed.
What do you do, in
a moment like that? Panic? Stop? Back up? No way. Wouldn’t that just make
things worse?
There’s no prudent
course, except to step on the gas and get out of the way. So I did, with my
pulse pounding.
And I got
away free.
As it went, no sirens
blared. No police cars zoomed after me, with their lights flashing. No other drivers
even honked their horns.
I did not
get what I deserved.
That’s grace, I thought.
I wasn’t ticketed
or fined. No one suffered injuries, unless you count my personal pride. And no
vehicles, signposts, or other properties were damaged.
But it was
wrong, and I knew it.
Isn’t that a handy
example of God’s grace? He loves His daughters and sons enough to guard us,
even as He repeatedly grants us grace. And it’s all because He loves us
overwhelmingly, even when we fail to pay attention and go blundering forward
without following the rules.
Sure, sometimes He
allows consequences to kick in. Occasionally, we do face injuries, damages, and
other sorts of pain. And hopefully, those moments drive us back into His arms.
But once in a
while, perhaps more than we realize, God delights in dishing out grace.
And I am so
thankful that He does.
Oh, and I promise to pay better attention at stoplights.
Oh, and I promise to pay better attention at stoplights.
“I have sinned,
I have perverted what is right,
but I did not get what I deserved.”
but I did not get what I deserved.”
(Job 33:27b,
Traffic sign by
Dodgerton Skillhause
30 Days of God's Promises
created by this user on FlamingText
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