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A to Z Blogging Challenge Reflections

The April A to Z is finished! Wasn’t that fun? I am so glad I participated again, as I was blessed to be part of this annual month-long blogging event.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.(2 Timothy 4:7, ESV)

A to Z Blogging Challenge finishers: 
You are welcome to use 
this checkered flag badge, 
created by Working in Words, 
if you wish. 
As a courtesy, 
if you do! 
Thank you.

This year, I finished the A to Z Blogging Challenge with six blogs.

Like other April A to Z bloggers, I found the marathon of daily posting trying at times, but the momentum was marvelous. I loved the opportunity to push myself creatively and spiritually. The A to Z Challenge kept me digging into God’s Word, hunting for insights, and pondering pieces to share.

Sure, I had dry days. But God is faithful, and He always gave me something new to consider and communicate.

Overall, I loved it.

Here’s the full listing of April A to Z posts for Heart of a Ready Writer:

You can join us for A to Z Blogging Challenge next April!

A to Z April Challenge Survivor badge by co-host Jeremy
at Retro-Zombie – used by permission
A to Z 2012 Checkered Flag 
created by Linda Ann Nickerson
for Working in Words
A to Z Blogging Challenge 2012 logo
Fair Use

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A to Z Answers: April Blog Challenge Post Digest

Finishing matters! The April A to Z Blogging Challenge offers a prime example of a race that counts completion.

Many years ago, as a fledgling writer, I wrote several articles for a now defunct publication titled Finishing Matters. The magazine focused on wood finishes for various carpentry applications.

A to Z Blogging Challenge finishers: 
You are welcome to use this badge, 
created by Working in Words, 
if you wish. 
As a courtesy, 
if you do! 
Thank you.

That’s a different story altogether.

Today is the first day of May, and the April A to Z Blogging Challenge is over. Like a marathon road race, running just over 26 miles, the blogging event included 26 entries. I completed the A to Z Blogging Challenge for six different blogs, totaling 156 blog posts.

Here’s the full listing of April A to Z posts for Heart of a Ready Writer:

Did you miss any of these blog entries? Check ‘em out.

They’re alphabetical. Some posts are ecumenical, hypothetical, theoretical or even parenthetical. None are medical, and hopefully, none are heretical.

Dig in.

And why not join the A to Z Blogging Challenge next April?
A to Z 2012 Checkered Flag 
created by Linda Ann Nickerson
for Working in Words
A to Z Blogging Challenge 2012 logo
Fair Use
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