Welcome to The Heart of a Ready Writer.
“My heart overflows with a good theme.
I address my verses to the King.
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”
(Psalm 45:1, NIV)

Published by Harvest House, this book contains the actual text of the whole Bible, arranged in chronological (or historical) order. Helpful subheads, cross-references and short backgrounders have been included. We are excited to participate together in this fresh way to read the holy Scriptures.
We invite you to join us.
Here, at The Heart of a Ready Writer, you will find frequent (perhaps even daily) entries to correspond to the readings in this daily devotional.
The Heart of a Ready Writer is not intended to be a Bible commentary, a Bible study guide, or a comprehensive analysis of the daily readings. It will, however, aim to share insights, unusual perspectives and blessings gleaned from the passages, as the Lord provides. Content may include anecdotes, art, Bible verses, journaling, photography, poetry, prayers, prose, sketches, testimonies and more.
We invite you to subscribe and become a regular reader. (Perhaps you will choose to follow this blog.) Even more, we invite you to visit often and leave comments to share what the Lord is teaching you, as you journey through His Word, the Bible, with us in 2009.
May God bless the reading of His Word and cause it to bear fruit and faith in the lives of many worldwide.
"So is my word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11, NIV)
This is a great resource to help put events together in your mind that may've at first been confusing in the Scripture's repetition.