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Join me in reading through Psalms and Proverbs in a month


Who’s diving into the Scriptures, as the new year opens?

 Not sure where to start? Here’s an idea.


Join me in reading through Psalms and Proverbs in one month.

 It’s simple. Just read FIVE PSALMS and ONE PROVERBS chapter each day. (Hint: Save a little extra time when we get to Psalms 119, the longest chapter in the whole Bible.)


Here’s a handy calendar to guide our daily reading.

 You can even print it out and check off each box, as we go. (I’ll be updating the one in the sidebar of this page, making myself accountable for the goal.)

 Let’s dig into the Psalms and Proverbs, and see what God teaches us this month.


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Image/s: Public domain photo/s