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Do you ever feel guilty for your God-time?

God is gracious, and His mercy never fails, but we still find ways to feel guilty.

Here’s a new form of guilt that I haven’t really addressed until now.

Several friends in my weekly small-group Bible study have been independently reading Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, by Sarah Young. Inspired by the insights these dear ones have shared, I finally anted up for the daily devotional book.

Today’s entry (May 15th) set me a-whirl with this statement:

Spending time alone with Me is essential for your well-being.
It is not a luxury or an option; it is a necessity.
Therefore, do not feel guilty about taking time to be with Me.
(Emphasis added.)

Uh, what?

This is a new one for me.

I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in 1971 (Am I really that old?). Yet, even after all these years (Aye, decades.) I still struggle with carving out quiet personal moments with God.

Yes, I pray a lot, especially when I am faced with troubles or struck by something wonderful. But the daily habit of cultivating a closer relationship with the intensely personal God of the universe is still a challenge.

Honestly, I’ve often felt guilty for not taking enough time for God.

The idea of experiencing this feeling for the too-seldom occasions when I have met with Him seemed, at first, a foreign concept.

As a self-employed, freelancer and a mom, I am well acquainted with the many ways distractions, urgent needs, interruptions, and unfinished tasks may beckon me away from the Savior’s invitation to intimacy. Perhaps I have encountered occasional guilt over leaving things undone when I’ve pushed back to relish quiet moments with the Almighty.

Pondering Young’s comment about how one may feel guilty about taking time for God, I have been surprised to find it ringing true all too often. Maybe you have sensed it too.

Guilt is tempting, particularly when we mark out moments away from our daily responsibilities to bask in the Presence of the Beloved. Yet, God desires nothing more than that we eagerly and wholeheartedly draw near to Him.

Guess where the guilt comes from.

The Bible calls the enemy “the accuser of the brethren.” He’ll try nearly anything to drag away our desire to love and follow the Lord.

God, help us to recognize deceit and false accusations for what they are. Thank You for faithfully forgiving us, as You have promised, for Your own glory. How we appreciate your unfailing mercy and love. We know You are always with us, even as you quietly call us to rest from our busy lives and simply enjoy your Presence. Ah! What peace and power is to be found in Your company.


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From Matthew 6:6, ESV

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